Junior Olympic Archery Development
Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD) is a program of USA Archery that helps archers to enjoy the sport recreationally or progress to the excitement of competition!

JOAD offers barebow, recurve and compound archers the opportunity to learn range safety and proper shooting technique in an environment that also fosters focus, increased self-confidence, and team building skills. JOAD is open to any youth archer aged 8 to 20 and is designed to grow with the youth archer. Introductory JOAD classes teach the fundamentals of proper shooting form; as the young archer develops, they will learn more advanced techniques and earn achievement awards.
Star Pins

Achievement Awards

Archers can display their Stars Pins on lanyards designed for
their archery specialty. Each lanyard holds all Stars pins as
well as the optional 6 Star Gold pin.

Archers can earn advanced levels of recognition with the Olympian Award Levels-Bronze, Silver and Gold. An archer reaching these levels is honored with special recognition from
the USA Archery Office.
Star Pins are awarded for scoring achievements.
Archers can earn Stars Pins for shooting outdoor with barebow, basic compound, fixed pins, recurve and/or compound bows.
In addition to Star Pins, archers can earn the official "6-Gold"
pin when they shoot six 10's in a row - either in a single 6
arrow end, or in two consecutive 3-arrow ends.
Upcoming Sessions
April 1 - June 24 (No Class May 27)
July 8 - September 23
October 14 - January 20 (No Class November 25, December 23 and 30)
* Note: Dates are subject to change due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances. *
720 US dollarsEnded
720 US dollarsEnded
720 US dollarsEnded
720 US dollars